One little Globe. One whole World.
When your world vanishes and you're somewhere else. And the one you love is lost. Finding the way home takes on a new meaning. (3 x illustrations within.)
CLC: Can you start out by telling us a little about The White Globe?
Lawrence: There is more inside of us and those we know. And there’s much of ourselves to be discovered.
CLC: Where did you get the inspiration to write this story?
Lawrence: The White Globe began as most my books do…an experience or conversation makes me realize I’ve something new to say about life and people. This one happened during a conversation with a stranger, when after we appeared to be in full understanding of each other, we both found that wasn’t so. The creative idea was: There’s usually more to someone than that which you are looking at or hearing.
CLC: What do you feel are the themes of The White Globe?
Lawrence: There are those who give much. There are those who take much. Those who are at peace give more, even if it’s just a little greater than they take.
CLC: When you developed the characters for The White Globe, did you already know who they were before you began writing or did they develop organically?
Lawrence: My characters develop organically while I’m writing. So always organic, and later, refined.
CLC: Which of your characters was your favorite to write and why?
Lawrence: Alice J -- Because as said a pre-reader said to me. “You write good females that take no nonsense, and no prisoners. Then you also write ones we really love.” It’s the “no nonsense, and no prisoners” type character I favor because I know what’s going to happen to them before they do.
CLC: What was more important to you when you were writing The White Globe: character development or plot?
Lawrence: I tend to just sit down and start typing but it’s always the characters that are most important for they are the story, the plot etc.
CLC: Did you know how The White Globe was going to end before you started writing, or did it appear as you were writing?
Lawrence: In writing I’ve noticed that between 1/6 or 1/3 of the way into a story the ending comes to me. I drop down several lines, write the ending, and by the time I get back to the ending I’d written, I have to redo it so that all that had transpired since is embraced.
CLC: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating The White Globe?
Lawrence: At one point I looked at a section that was really good and figured it could be better and I allowed it to ‘percolate’ just to see how much better it could be.
CLC: What do you want people to take away from The White Globe?
Lawrence: This is something I avoid even with my pre-publishing readers. I prefer that each reader take from my work what is real for them. And in my being silent on this subject I don’t color their experience with my writer’s POV. I learnt this the hard way when I started out and a reader expressed their view on a piece and I laid out what I’d actually intended. That reader was not a happy camper. I decided to keep my take to myself.
CLC: What is the most difficult part of your writing process? And the easiest?
Lawrence: No matter what, I can never be comfortable enough to sit for many hours typing. What I spend most time with is going beyond what I already have looking for that something new, something completely different—that is not easy. The easiest is just allowing the story to flow.
CLC: If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
Lawrence: Leave it alone. Let it rest. Then come back and read it as though for the first time. Now ponder, how can this be made better, or great. Read some famous author’s advice again. Find the piece of advice or pieces that are what you need. And then do it. And when you decide it’s what you want it to be. Let it go.
CLC: What advice would you like to pass on to aspiring writers that is unconventional but true?
Lawrence: Back with my first writing attempts when I re-read it after leaving it for a period, it appeared flat to me and showed little voice. Some days later it struck me that there were times when talking to someone I’d held their attention quite riveted. So, I looked back at those and noted my voice and words and began writing like that. It read much better from then on. Needless to say, I’ve refined that since. So, writer, find your voice in your own fashion.
CLC: Do you have any WIP (works in progress) and if so, can you tell us anything about them?
Lawrence: Yes. 3 x Novelettes. 1. The Ashes of Teddy Heany which is completed and being read for me and will then be worked over again. 2. The Rider: Breakfast Run Champion. Also complete awaiting final go through. 3. Murst Part Two – The Priest and his Parrot. This is 50% done on first write. 4. A Candle’s Worth of Life. A novel. This is complete, has feedback, and waits for me to complete the next 3 x novelettes and I will then go through my final edit and published. 5. The 123rd Roohli H. which is a prequel to Once-Other. It’s designed, still requires research in certain areas of life today and has around 5-10 rough Chapters in first stage. But the design of ¾ of the story is already in place.
CLC: If someone is brand new to your writing, which work do you think they should start with?
Lawrence: Judging by the downloads of the extensive previews on my website it appears that readers are evened up choice wise on my novelettes. But I’d say The White Globe is a good place to start and Billy Tree-Folks is right up there as a first as well though that takes costs into account as well. But the greatest number of Preview downloads is for my novel Once-Other. I figure they start reading them on my website and there’s enough there to allow each visitor to make a choice as to which one to download.
CLC: What are your preferred methods to have readers get in touch with or follow you (i.e., website, social media, Goodreads, etc.) and links?
Lawrence: Website via the Contact page.
When your world vanishes and you're somewhere else. And the one you love is lost. Finding the way home takes on a new meaning. (3 x illustrations within.)
Meet Lawrence M. Nysschens!
Lawrence is the author of Once-Other, Billy Tree-Folks, Murst-Part One: The Water Breather's Death and the novellete that we will be discussing today: The White Globe.
He was gracious enough to answer a few questions about The White Globe, and his experience as a writer in general.
CLC: Can you start out by telling us a little about The White Globe?
Lawrence: There is more inside of us and those we know. And there’s much of ourselves to be discovered.
CLC: Where did you get the inspiration to write this story?
Lawrence: The White Globe began as most my books do…an experience or conversation makes me realize I’ve something new to say about life and people. This one happened during a conversation with a stranger, when after we appeared to be in full understanding of each other, we both found that wasn’t so. The creative idea was: There’s usually more to someone than that which you are looking at or hearing.
CLC: What do you feel are the themes of The White Globe?
Lawrence: There are those who give much. There are those who take much. Those who are at peace give more, even if it’s just a little greater than they take.
CLC: When you developed the characters for The White Globe, did you already know who they were before you began writing or did they develop organically?
Lawrence: My characters develop organically while I’m writing. So always organic, and later, refined.
CLC: Which of your characters was your favorite to write and why?
Lawrence: Alice J -- Because as said a pre-reader said to me. “You write good females that take no nonsense, and no prisoners. Then you also write ones we really love.” It’s the “no nonsense, and no prisoners” type character I favor because I know what’s going to happen to them before they do.
CLC: What was more important to you when you were writing The White Globe: character development or plot?
Lawrence: I tend to just sit down and start typing but it’s always the characters that are most important for they are the story, the plot etc.
CLC: Did you know how The White Globe was going to end before you started writing, or did it appear as you were writing?
Lawrence: In writing I’ve noticed that between 1/6 or 1/3 of the way into a story the ending comes to me. I drop down several lines, write the ending, and by the time I get back to the ending I’d written, I have to redo it so that all that had transpired since is embraced.
CLC: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating The White Globe?
Lawrence: At one point I looked at a section that was really good and figured it could be better and I allowed it to ‘percolate’ just to see how much better it could be.
CLC: What do you want people to take away from The White Globe?
Lawrence: This is something I avoid even with my pre-publishing readers. I prefer that each reader take from my work what is real for them. And in my being silent on this subject I don’t color their experience with my writer’s POV. I learnt this the hard way when I started out and a reader expressed their view on a piece and I laid out what I’d actually intended. That reader was not a happy camper. I decided to keep my take to myself.
CLC: What is the most difficult part of your writing process? And the easiest?
Lawrence: No matter what, I can never be comfortable enough to sit for many hours typing. What I spend most time with is going beyond what I already have looking for that something new, something completely different—that is not easy. The easiest is just allowing the story to flow.
CLC: If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
Lawrence: Leave it alone. Let it rest. Then come back and read it as though for the first time. Now ponder, how can this be made better, or great. Read some famous author’s advice again. Find the piece of advice or pieces that are what you need. And then do it. And when you decide it’s what you want it to be. Let it go.
CLC: What advice would you like to pass on to aspiring writers that is unconventional but true?
Lawrence: Back with my first writing attempts when I re-read it after leaving it for a period, it appeared flat to me and showed little voice. Some days later it struck me that there were times when talking to someone I’d held their attention quite riveted. So, I looked back at those and noted my voice and words and began writing like that. It read much better from then on. Needless to say, I’ve refined that since. So, writer, find your voice in your own fashion.
CLC: Do you have any WIP (works in progress) and if so, can you tell us anything about them?
Lawrence: Yes. 3 x Novelettes. 1. The Ashes of Teddy Heany which is completed and being read for me and will then be worked over again. 2. The Rider: Breakfast Run Champion. Also complete awaiting final go through. 3. Murst Part Two – The Priest and his Parrot. This is 50% done on first write. 4. A Candle’s Worth of Life. A novel. This is complete, has feedback, and waits for me to complete the next 3 x novelettes and I will then go through my final edit and published. 5. The 123rd Roohli H. which is a prequel to Once-Other. It’s designed, still requires research in certain areas of life today and has around 5-10 rough Chapters in first stage. But the design of ¾ of the story is already in place.
CLC: If someone is brand new to your writing, which work do you think they should start with?
Lawrence: Judging by the downloads of the extensive previews on my website it appears that readers are evened up choice wise on my novelettes. But I’d say The White Globe is a good place to start and Billy Tree-Folks is right up there as a first as well though that takes costs into account as well. But the greatest number of Preview downloads is for my novel Once-Other. I figure they start reading them on my website and there’s enough there to allow each visitor to make a choice as to which one to download.
CLC: What are your preferred methods to have readers get in touch with or follow you (i.e., website, social media, Goodreads, etc.) and links?
Lawrence: Website via the Contact page.
My Thoughts on The White Globe
"The train rushes by stars and star-clusters too vast to count. As each flit by, parts of myself dissolve as though I leave a life and its memories behind."
The White Globe isn’t a story you read; it’s one you experience. Ethereal and mysterious, it explores the worlds within us. What begins as a pleading accounting of an experience turns into an incredible tale. The White Globe asks you to suspend disbelief while you immerse yourself. Often indistinct, it yet presents a shocking juxtaposition to linear existence, leaving you wondering exactly which reality is authentic.
"I will return. I will. Someone is incomplete without me. And I too am, without her."
Poetic and fluid, the author's prose is both expressive and enthralling. While the subject matter is spacious, The White Globe draws you in intimately. Not only a story about losing yourself to find yourself again, it is a duality of symbolism: Light and dark, give and take, everything and nothing.
The White Globe provided me with the same sensation that viewing a Salvadore Dali painting does. Abstract yet extremely introspective, the reader is left to explore their own truth in whichever way they choose.
"All my sensations feel as though this is all new.
But I know I've traveled this way before."

Get your copy here:
Thanks to the author for the opportunity to review.
4 Paws Up!
About the Author

Lawrence Martin Nysschens writes so that the weather inside our heads and in our lives improves. It's everyday life stirred with Fantasy and mixed with touches of SF.
But mostly his works go to places no one expects. His stories reach out to expand the concepts of what human beings can do and achieve and venture into realms both striking and new.
And the weather changes all the way from quiet and calm to stormy and dangerous. Come enjoy those journey's with him.
Lawrence emigrated legally to the USA in 1989. He now writes two different types of novels. One is purely fiction such as A Candle's Worth of Life which is in editing--July 27th 2018 and due to publish before year's end.
Just released are Billy Tree-Folks, Murst Part One--The Water-Breather's Death, and The White Globe.Also coming in 2018 are The Rider: Breakfast Run Champion, The Ashes of Teddy Heany, and Murst Part Two: The Priest and his Parrot.
And then there's his others like 'Once-Other' that are filled with adventure, the fight against oppression and suggests new and unique political weapons we can all use to make our lives and countries stronger. Here you will find true Leadership as in the People, the Voters, who obtain the power to control their own political and economic destinies--like none have ever done before. The latter is real and many are talking about it already. His novels that address this say so up front.
Once-Other is the first of such and was published in December of 2015. The second one (a prequel to Once-Other titled The 123rd Roohli H.) it's due to complete in 2019/20.
Hope you enjoy reading what I enjoyed writing ;)
But mostly his works go to places no one expects. His stories reach out to expand the concepts of what human beings can do and achieve and venture into realms both striking and new.
And the weather changes all the way from quiet and calm to stormy and dangerous. Come enjoy those journey's with him.
Lawrence emigrated legally to the USA in 1989. He now writes two different types of novels. One is purely fiction such as A Candle's Worth of Life which is in editing--July 27th 2018 and due to publish before year's end.
Just released are Billy Tree-Folks, Murst Part One--The Water-Breather's Death, and The White Globe.Also coming in 2018 are The Rider: Breakfast Run Champion, The Ashes of Teddy Heany, and Murst Part Two: The Priest and his Parrot.
And then there's his others like 'Once-Other' that are filled with adventure, the fight against oppression and suggests new and unique political weapons we can all use to make our lives and countries stronger. Here you will find true Leadership as in the People, the Voters, who obtain the power to control their own political and economic destinies--like none have ever done before. The latter is real and many are talking about it already. His novels that address this say so up front.
Once-Other is the first of such and was published in December of 2015. The second one (a prequel to Once-Other titled The 123rd Roohli H.) it's due to complete in 2019/20.
Hope you enjoy reading what I enjoyed writing ;)