The last city on Earth is contaminated.
Now blood is the only thing that can wash it clean.
Julia is trapped inside the Blue as the Nobles fight over the few humans who are still alive. When the dust settles and she finds herself shackled to a new master, she knows she must escape or die.
Meanwhile, Cam has gathered a handful of comrades and is on his way into the Red to rescue his queen. But not all of his friends can be trusted, and not all of them will make it back alive.
The Silver Queen is the second book in Josie Jaffrey’s Sovereign trilogy, set in a dystopian Europe where vampiric Nobles control the last remnants of the human race.
Grab the First Book in the Series!
Until 21st October, The Gilded King is available for just $0.99!
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About the Author

I have always written stories, but it wasn't until I started the first book in the Solis Invicti series in 2014 that I really became obsessed with writing. I love to read, particularly where the escapism of the story is enhanced with an element of fantasy or science fiction. For me, writing is simply an extension of that journey, but I get to decide what happens next (though it's amazing how often the characters seem to decide for themselves what I'm going to write!).
These days, bookishness has expanded to fill my life. I write novels and short stories (mostly Young Adult and Paranormal Romance), I blog and vlog about writing and the publication process, and I run a book review website called The Gin Book Club, which posts monthly video reviews.
I love to hear from readers with their comments and feedback on the books, so please do get in touch through the website or social media.
Thank you for reading!