Midnight. Some call it the witching hour. Others call it the devil’s hour. Here in the graveyard, midnight is a very special time. It is a time when ghostly spirits are at their strongest, when the veil between our world and theirs is at its thinnest. Legend has it, that while most of the world is asleep, the lack of prayers allow the spirits to communicate under the cover of darkness, among the headstones, their whispers rustling in the leaves of the old oak trees. But if you’re here in the graveyard, you can tell yourself it’s just the wind, that the moonlight is playing tricks on your eyes, that it's only the swirling mist you see. But when you hear the graveyard gate clang shut, the dead have something to say. Here are their stories…

Midnight in the Graveyard is quite a large anthology of horror stories. Clocking in at 408 pages for the paperback and 445 for the kindle version, this is one compilation of stories that will bust any boredom you may have. It almost reads like a whos-who of horror: Kealan Patrick Burke, Alan M. Clark, John Everson, Chad Lutzke, and Glenn Rolfe are just a few of the names gracing the cover. Among them is a bevy of horror newcomers with stories just as exceptional.
The stories inside this volume are sure to give even the harshest horror critic something to smile about. Ranging from despondency and despair to ghastly and grim, this work of spooky stories would indeed be perfect for midnight in the graveyard, if reading by the graves of the unquiet dead in the wee hours attracts you. Beckoning the wary reader into this collection of turbulent tales is a forward by Johnathan Janz warning us that "these ghosts are hungry" and boy, are they!
There were so many great stories, it was hard to choose favorites. The Glimmer Girls by Kenneth McKinley was a frightful tale to read, with a historical basis in the radium girls of the 1910s' who were told to tip their brushes with their lips to paint the dials of watches. (Perfectly safe.) Tug O War by Chad Lutzke, in which friends hold a deathbed vigil, was completely and unexpectedly dark. Ghost Blood by Kelli Owen was a surprise, telling of a very unique ability. Join My Club by Somer Canon was impassioned and creepy as stories with children can only be. As for "bad" reads, there were none, proving that this is an anthology that will be hard to top...but I hope Silver Shamrock tries.
The stories inside this volume are sure to give even the harshest horror critic something to smile about. Ranging from despondency and despair to ghastly and grim, this work of spooky stories would indeed be perfect for midnight in the graveyard, if reading by the graves of the unquiet dead in the wee hours attracts you. Beckoning the wary reader into this collection of turbulent tales is a forward by Johnathan Janz warning us that "these ghosts are hungry" and boy, are they!
There were so many great stories, it was hard to choose favorites. The Glimmer Girls by Kenneth McKinley was a frightful tale to read, with a historical basis in the radium girls of the 1910s' who were told to tip their brushes with their lips to paint the dials of watches. (Perfectly safe.) Tug O War by Chad Lutzke, in which friends hold a deathbed vigil, was completely and unexpectedly dark. Ghost Blood by Kelli Owen was a surprise, telling of a very unique ability. Join My Club by Somer Canon was impassioned and creepy as stories with children can only be. As for "bad" reads, there were none, proving that this is an anthology that will be hard to top...but I hope Silver Shamrock tries.