When a traumatized mining foreman is placed under the psychiatric care of Dr. Vincent Armstrong, the doctor thinks...

When a traumatized mining foreman is placed under the psychiatric care of Dr. Vincent Armstrong, the doctor thinks he has started just another shift. But as the victim begins to remember what drove him temporarily insane, Armstrong’s interest becomes personal, and he makes a series of discoveries that threaten to tear apart his carefully constructed scientific view of the world, and show in horrifying clarity that his patient is anything but delusional. 

As Armstrong’s world falls apart, his recovering patient learns that he has not escaped the horrors he encountered underground, and that no place on earth is truly safe from the “Tunnelers.”

  Every town has its secrets, but no one has a secret like hers. Amber Blackwood, lifelong resident of Edgehill, Oregon, has earned a ...

 Every town has its secrets, but no one has a secret like hers.

Amber Blackwood, lifelong resident of Edgehill, Oregon, has earned a reputation for being a semi-reclusive odd duck. Her store, The Quirky Whisker, is full of curiosities, from extremely potent sleepy teas and ever-burning candles to kids’ toys that seem to run endlessly without the aid of batteries. The people of Edgehill think of the Quirky Whisker as an integral part of their feline-obsessed town, but most give Amber herself a wide berth. Amber prefers it that way; it keeps her secret safe. But that secret is thrown into jeopardy when Amber’s friend Melanie is found dead, a vial of headache tonic from Amber’s store clutched in her hand.
Edgehill’s newest police chief has had it out for Amber since he arrived three years before. He can’t possibly know she’s a witch, but his suspicions about her odd store and even odder behavior have shot her to the top of his suspect list. When the Edgehill rumor mill finds out Melanie was poisoned, it’s not only the police chief who looks at Amber differently. Determined to both find justice for her friend and to clear her own name, Amber must use her unique gifts to help track down Melanie’s real killer. A quest that threatens much more than her secret …

When the body of the local girl, Misty Crawl, is found dismembered in an underground bunker, the town is thrown into a whirlwind of panic...

When the body of the local girl, Misty Crawl, is found dismembered in an underground bunker, the town is thrown into a whirlwind of panic and speculation. Times aren’t exactly smooth sailing with a depression in full swing. The spaced out community of farmers pull together as one, trying to uncover the guilty party.

Thrown smack in the middle of such chaos, is a group of teens. They’re known troublemakers, but have good hearts. Although they’re innocent, the local law enforcers believe otherwise, and the true killer is lurking far too close for comfort. Will the four be able to uncover the truth before one of them pays the price for Misty’s death? Or will the brutal killer strike again, attacking the heart of the four?

*Sketch is a young adult psychological thriller. It’s a quick easy read, appropriate and gripping for mid-teens and up, with no sexual content and some bloody gore. Parents be advised.

New Pittsburgh, 1898 – a crucible of invention and intrigue. Born from the ashes of devastating fire, flood and earthquake, th...

New Pittsburgh, 1898 – a crucible of invention and intrigue. Born from
the ashes of devastating fire, flood and earthquake, the city is
ruled by the shadow government of The Oligarchy. In the swarming
streets, people of a hundred nations drudge to feed the engines of
progress. The Department of Supernatural Investigation was set up to
take care of those things that live below, that go bump in the night…
those odd cases that go beyond ‘standard’ investigation.
Nicknamed ‘Storm and Fury’, Mitch Storm and Jacob Drangosavich
are two of the more creative agents, working in New Pittsburgh and
obeying the rules – when they have to.

A collection of short stories and novellas set in the world of the Iron
& Blood novels and the related Storm and Fury

Airship Down, Ruin Creek, Resurrection Day, The Hunt, Grave Voices,
and Rogue. Plus two bonus stories: Ghost Wolf and a Steampunk fairy
tale: The Patented Troll


The Hunt 

“I wish Falken would quit sending us out to look for agents that vanished,” Mitch Storm grumbled.“Maybe he’s hoping we’ll be the next ones to disappear,” Jacob Drangosavich replied. He shifted his tall frame to get more comfortable in his seat as the rail car swayed. “If you hadn’t let Kesterson get away, Falken wouldn’t have had a reason to send us to the godforsaken far north.”“I had a sighting inside the building, and the dynamite brought the roof down. That should have stopped him cold. How was I supposed to know he’d gotten into the storm drain?”Mitch Storm was average height, with a trim, muscular build. He had dark hair, dark eyes, and a five o’clock shadow that started at three. Mitch was exactly what a penny-dreadful novelist would imagine a government secret agent and former army sharpshooter would look like.Jacob, on the other hand, was tall and lanky, with a thin face, blond hair, and blue eyes that spoke of his Eastern European heritage. He and Mitch had been agents for the Department of Supernatural Investigation since they had returned east after the rancher wars.The click-clack of iron wheels on the rails confirmed that they were making good time. Outside, the Adirondack Mountains were covered with snow. “How long do you think Falken will keep us on probation?” Jacob asked.Mitch shrugged. “It was four months the last time, two the time before that. So I wager we’re up to six months.”“Why did you use dynamite?” Jacob asked, in an off-handed tone.Mitch rolled his eyes. “I was improvising.”“Might it be possible to improvise a little less… enthusiastically next time? Sooner or later, Falken will give up on suspending us and just convene a firing squad.”“The Department doesn’t use those anymore,” Mitch replied. “I checked.”Jacob thought of a dozen arguments, but he knew Mitch was unlikely to heed them. He dropped back against his seat. “At least we got a sleeper train and a private cabin. Where do you think Kesterson will go next?”“Not really our concern, is it? Falken made that pretty clear.” Mitch was quiet for a moment. “But Kesterson had some family in New England. Since we’re all the way up here in the New York hinterland, I figured we might poke around a little after we finish our assignment—strictly off the record.”

Gail Z. Martin
discovered her passion for science fiction, fantasy and ghost stories
in elementary school. The first story she wrote at age five was about
a vampire. Her favorite TV show as a preschooler was Dark Shadows. At
age 14, she decided to become a writer. She enjoys attending science
fiction/fantasy conventions, Renaissance fairs and living history

Larry N. Martin
is the author of the new sci-fi adventure novel Salvage Rat. He is
the co-author (with Gail Z. Martin) of the Spells, Salt, and
Steel/New Templars series; the Steampunk series Iron & Blood; and
a collection of short stories and novellas: The Storm & Fury
Adventures set in the Iron & Blood universe. He is also the
co-author of the upcoming Wasteland Marshals series and the Joe Mack
Cauldron/Secret Council series.

The Martins have
three children, a Maltese, and a Golden Retriever.

the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

When the dead rise, he'll either find his family or end up a ravenous corpse… Fifteen-year-old James would much rather ...

When the dead rise, he'll either find his family or end up a ravenous

Fifteen-year-old James would much rather hang with friends than go hunting with his
survivalist dad. But the boring weekend trip turns into a living
horror when they're attacked by an undead horde. Terrified and
confused, James has no choice but to escape with his trusty dog
through a forest stained with blood…

Teaming up with his best friend, James frantically fights his way back to his
missing family. But on a trail of clues littered with corpses,
reaching his loved ones means venturing deeper into the deadly

Can James reunite with his family before he's consumed by a relentless
pack of zombies?

Fallout is the first book in a gritty post-apocalyptic series. If you like
spine-crawling suspense, ruthless zombies, and rugged survival
stories, then you'll love Derek Shupert's dark coming-of-age tale.

Buy Fallout to unlock an infectious thriller today!

The back door to the building is on the other side of the dumpster. It’s ajar. Blood trails out and around to the opposite side of the store.
As we approach, I notice bloody hand prints around the door handle and wall. Not what I wanted to see. We could stop, get back to the truck, and make for the next station, but it could be just as bad, or worse, we could run out of gas and get stranded out here.
We’re here, and haven’t seen any chasers roaming around. We just need to keep our eyes peeled and ears open.
“Stay close,” I quietly speak to Duke.

Derek Shupert is an emerging Science Fiction Author known for his
captivating dystopian storylines and post-apocalyptic-laden plots.
With various books and anthologies underway, he is also the author of
the Afflicted series and Sentry Squad.

Outside of the fantastical world of sci-fi, Derek serves as the Vice
President at Woodforest National Bank. During his free time, he
enjoys reading, exercising, and watching apocalyptic movies and TV
shows like Mad Max and The Walking Dead. Above all, he is a family
man who cherishes nothing more than quality time spent with his loved

Follow the tour HERE
for exclusive content and a giveaway!

Gregory and his little sister Imogen love spending Halloween with their parents. But this year is different. If he pro...

Gregory and his little sister Imogen love spending Halloween with their parents. But this year is different. If he proves he can take care of Imogen all by himself, he’ll finally have the allowance he’s dreamed of. 

That was before the basement door opened on its own. Before the strange door appeared in the basement and Imogen was taken from him by the monster. 

Now everyone in town is blaming him for her disappearance, but no one is listening to his story. Where did the door come from? What was that creature? And most of all, can he find his sister before it’s too late, or will he bury his memories of her along with his parents?

This is not The Little Red Riding Hood we grew up with. Supernatural races—vampires, werewolves, witches, you name it—all ex...

This is not The Little Red Riding Hood we grew up with.

Supernatural races—vampires, werewolves, witches, you name it—all exist.
Eighteen-year-old Rue Chaperon and her family belong to an elite hunting society, the S.H.A—Supernatural Hunting Association—and what the Chaperons hunt best are werewolves.

When a new hunting group convinces the Chaperons to team up with them and try a different approach to hunting the supernatural by taking out the Alpha, it sounded like a great idea.
Taking out the Alpha meant they'd eradicate the entire race.
Piece of cake, right?
But nothing is ever easy when you're a hunter.

A Little Red Riding Hood retelling with a spin that will make you believe not all fairytales were meant for children.

Mr. Sandman, send me a dream, ta da da da..... Seventeen-year-old Chastity Blake knows the Sandman is just a silly children'...

Mr. Sandman, send me a dream, ta da da da.....

Seventeen-year-old Chastity Blake knows the Sandman is just a silly children's story parents tell their children to get them to sleep. At least she thought it was, until the day a mysterious, light golden sand appeared in her hands during a high school prank that went horribly wrong. A sand that has the power to send anyone it touches into a deep, sound sleep.

Fearing she had lost her mind, Chastity soon discovers the shocking truth of her heritage- she is a Dream Caster. Chastity was never supposed to be raised on the Domain, or what humans call Earth and she is forced to return to her true birth place, Revera – the world of Dreams.

However, in Revera there is no balance between good, the Light Casters, and darkness, the Shadow Casters, and Chastity is caught square in the middle. She soon learns that there is no place for anyone containing both the light and the darkness within them, and the shocking truth that if anyone in Revera ever discovered her shadow self, Chastity would be thrown into the Oblivion – the world of Nightmares.

Dreams are always more than they seem, and this time Chastity is going to discover just how different they can be.

  When I first landed a bartending job at the local guild, I didn’t know a thing about magic. These days, I’m practically an expert on t...

 When I first landed a bartending job at the local guild, I didn’t know a thing about magic. These days, I’m practically an expert on the different magical classes, but there’s one nobody ever talks about: Demonica.

Turns out they have a good reason for that. My guild is strictly hellion-free, because who wants to risk life and limb to control the biggest bullies on the mythic playground?

Well, some people do, and now a demon has been loosed in the city. My three best friends are determined to slay it, but even badass combat mages are critically out-magicked. And that’s not all. The monster they’re tracking—it’s not hiding. It’s not fleeing. It’s not leaving a trail of corpses everywhere it goes.

The demon is hunting too. And in a city full of mythics, it’s searching for deadlier prey.

If we can’t unravel the demon’s sinister motivations, more innocent people will die, but finding the answers means digging into dark secrets … and learning truths I never wanted to know.

Note: The three mages are definitely sexy, but this series isn’t a reverse harem. It’s 100% fun, sassy, fast-paced urban fantasy.